Mother's Day 2020

For many of us, Mother's Day 2020 will mark the first social gathering since the global pandemic.

Mother’s Day 2020 kind of marks the first expansion of our quarantine circles here in my native Arkansas. The Governor’s Task Force has made recommendations that May 11th restaurants be reopened and salons can start taking customers May 6. This time of social distancing has been important but it has certainly been challenging to be away from family and friends that feel like family, so I wanted to share a few tips that might make Mother’s Day 2020 a little easier.

First, you’re going to want to try this refreshing cocktail, my Rosé Lemonade. You can make the simple syrup lemonade mix in a day or so advance and keep it chilled. Usually I suggest keeping simple syrup for up to two weeks, but honestly, this recipe is so good it’ll be gone by the time you finish the bottle of rosé.


Next, support local. Let’s face it, during this time of being home so much we’ve been eating and cooking and cooking and eating. Mercy! So instead of whipping up dishes in the kitchen pre-order from area restaurants and pick up your Mother’s Day meal.

Last, but not least, for a gift we’re giving our moms plantings that can double as centerpieces during Mother’s Day dinner. You can see how I put them together in the video above and how we added in some special touches to make them more personal.

Enjoy this time of carefully widening your COVID-19 circle and stay safe out there.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Cinco de Mayo Mother’s Day Brunch


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